EUROFUSION Enabling Research Project on Kinetic Modelling of Runaway Electron Dynamics (CEA-09, 2015-2017)

Remote meeting title:

Ordinary remote meeting

Title | Date | Program | Presentations| Quit

Meeting date and time:

2015-10-26, 14:00-16:00

Title | Date | Program | Presentations| Quit

Meeting program:

The topics discussed at the meeting are

1) General announcement concerning the next REM-2016 meeting
2) Intermediate activity reports and deliverables

Contribution of each participant, 10' talk + 5' discussion

Title | Date | Program | Presentations| Quit


Click on one of the file name below to vizualize and download it.

  - ERP_Chalmers.pdf.
  - ERP_visioconf_Peysson_261015.pdf.
  - Papp_2015_10_26_ERP.pdf.
  - pokol_runaway.pdf.
  - REM_remote_sarkimaki.pdf.
  - REM-short presentation.pdf.
Title | Date | Program | Presentations| Quit